Enhancing Project Management Body of Knowledge

Hartamas Training Centre
Level 13, Block A, Menara Prima, Jalan PJU 1/37, Dataran Prima, 47301, Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan.
Mohd Rozlan Bin Misnun
The courses develop a specific viewpoint in discussing the participant, the processes and the techniques of project management for construction. This viewpoint is that of owners who desires completion of projects in a timely, cost effective and standard quality. Some profound implications for the objectives and methods of project management result from this perspective; The “lifecycle” of costs and benefit from initial planning through operation and disposal of a facility are relevant to decision making. An owner is concerned with a project from the cradle to the grave. Construction costs represent only one portion of the overall life cycle costs. While this course is devoted to a particular viewpoint with respect to project management for construction, it is not solely intended for owners and their direct representatives. By understanding the entire process, all participants can respond more effectively to the owner’s need in their work, in marketing their services, and in communicating with other participant. In addition, the specific techniques and tool discussed in this course such as project scheduling can be readily applied to any portion of the process.